
Kakigoori..!! カキ氷(ais kisar ala ala jepun)

The blue colour one is the little machine :)

Tadaaa...~ we actually had this little machine for quite a long time,a month ago and we had been using it recently..! Hihihi.. We bought it from used item stores at 540yen..!It's soooo cute and comes with four different colours(イチゴresembles pink,メロンresembles green,レモンresembles orange, andブルーハワイresembles blue) and mine one is blue in colour..!It also comes with a small white cup.. :)

It was summer and hot, so we thought that why don't we have some ice to cool down and relax..~ We would like to make ice kacang like we had in Malaysia, but it turned out like this..! (below pics)

We had choco chips,bananas,Hershyes,Ipoh coffee powder as well as Milo powder and etc for the toppings.. Hihihi..~ Differ from Malaysia's ice kacang, the kakigoori machine cuts the ices into small slices.Unlikely in Malaysia, the ice kacang usually in a very small cubes. In Malaysia, you can only enjoy the ice kacang at the stalls but in Japan, we can have our own machine to make the ice kacang by ourselves at home..! :)

Looks good..!
added Hersheys..~ :)

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