
How to eat Japanese Ramen perfectly?!

Assalammualaikum ya'lls.
Mentioning about fast food, name it all.. I love them all..! In Japan, I can still enjoy McD,KFC,Mister Donut,Lotteria and etc even though most of them I just have the donuts, seafood burger or shrimp burger.*Missed KFC sooo much > < * And in Japan, honestly, sometimes I do have instant/fast food because of the busy schedule and the laziness to get myself cooking..~ But what I sure is h aving ramen(ラメン) in Japan is not the same like having the instant noodles(Maggie) in Malaysia. Ramen in Japan are much more less oily(not oily at all..!) ,vegetables provided and very less MSG...!!!

I figured out the best way to have a perfect ramen .. personally.. Huahaha*evil laugh*.Healthy plus delicious..! Here's the way.. 食べましょう。。!

Get a ramen.Make sure to read the ingredients..CAREFULLY..!
Got this one from Morinaga.-Yaki Soba Sauce-
Boil some pieces of chicken.
Use that chicken broth for your ramen.
Trust me.. the taste is heaven..!
Here's how it looks like after opening the packages.
There's two opening.
Down: for pouring hot water
Up: for filtration
Understand now?
Opening below is for pouring the hot water(chicken broth)
Wait for three minutes
The above opening is for the filtration :)
Filtrate here and you will not get scald by the hot broth :)
Told ya'll. No oil in seasoning.
Just powdered seasoning.. It's dry..!
Thanks to chicken broth making the ramen damp and so aromatic.
You see the green thing. It's included.
I just added some onions and chicken.
Usually the instant noodles(ramen,soba, or udon) here are quite cheap.Depends on the brand but usually range around 100 yen 300 yen after including tax.. Hoho.. おいしい。。!Have a happy meal.. *nothing is better than listening to your stomach desire*

Thanks for reading..

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